Mexico challenger

Publié le par Eléa

Mexico City Challenger (Mexico)


Clay - Website:

Draw: HERE


After a week of holidays, Hugo is back at the Mexico City challenger begining on monday.

He was the first on the quallies list but "thanks" to the retirement of Noam Okun, he'll go to the main draw directly :)


Unfortunatelly , he lost on the first round against Ramon Delgado (PAR) 1/6 3/6 :'( 



Draw: HERE


Hugo was playing with Paolo Lorenzi (It)

They lost on first round against the brazilian team: André Ghem/Flavio Saretta 4/6 2/6

Bad week for Hugo, hopefully the next one will be better ;)


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I forgot. Hair, it's OK. We become used. You are forgiven Hugo.
Hi !<br /> I'm sorry for Hugo. He'll make better next week!<br /> Kiss my friend.
Hugo !<br /> Hugo, Hugo, Hugo ...<br /> What's the matter ? Are you crazy ? I don't understand...<br /> Your hair ! But why ? What idea ?<br /> You had magnificent hair. Is it self-destruction?<br /> You wanted to make us cry, maybe ? Congratulation, you made a success !!!!! Thanks...<br />  <br />  
Merci la belle pour les infos.<br /> Passe un bon dimanche et je te dis à demain. La journée a mal commencée pour moi, j'avais zappé le changement d'heure et je suis arrivée en retard au travail d'une heure ! La classe. Heureusement que le boss n'est pas là le dimanche ....<br /> GOOD LUCK HUGO !!!!